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I’m not a fan of unstyled content. I don’t think many developers are. Worse, while I like to reuse my dialog divs, I don’t want the old content confusing users when the dialog first opens. And of course, users often rush to try to use dialogs as soon as they open, so we need to give the dialog a chance to load it’s content before that. So I needed to create a generic function for opening a jQuery dialog box, putting a “spinner” in the box until the proper content loads. Here is my solution:

The function presumes you will be loading content from an AJAX call and provides a couple of very handy parameters. First, you can pass the complete option object for the jQuery Dialog API into your function call, making the dialog itself completely customizable. Second, it provides a callback function parameter, which will be run after the content is loaded into the content area of the dialog.

To use this function, simply include the following HTML into your page, somewhere near the footer (I use CakePHP, but you can just use a regular image call to get the spinner:

Use your CSS to hide the #popup div and you’re ready to start implementing dialog boxes the smart way!