Get it All

If you’ve been reading through my Development Walk-Through Series, this is Part II. Part I can be found here.

I’ve spent long hours tweaking my database, reading up on relatively arcane MySQL tuning techniques, filling the database with dummy values, querying, checking, requerying. I’m reasonably certain that the database structure I’ve chosen is the best option for my application. At least, that’s the way it appears for now: databases always change over time, so it’s worth keeping a loose hold on your concept of “acceptable.” Now it’s time to start putting together the CakePHP side of the show.

And what’s the first step? Well, once you’ve uploaded your files and established a connection to the database, it’s time to start building the models[1. The process for uploading and setting basic configuration of a CakePHP installation is well-documented and we shan’t go into detail here.]. Models are the CakePHP expression of your database structure and relationships. By properly building and configuring your database model files, you can speed the development of new database queries by allowing CakePHP to do a lot of the lexical heavy lifting. Instead of spending time getting frustrated trying to figure out what’s wrong with this code:
SELECT ratings.rating ratings.category
FROM `ratings_entries`
JOIN `ratings` ON ratings.rating_id = ratings_entries.rating_id
WHERE ratings_entries.cmp_id = %cmp%
AND ratings_entries.zipcode = %zip%
AND ratings.cat_id = %cat%"[/code]
You can simply create the relationship in rating.php, add the WHERE conditions to an array of variables and let CakePHP build the query for you[2. By the way, the problem with the example MySQL is that there is a missing comma (“,”) between ratings.rating and ratings.category].

But there is an inherent difficulty and almost contradiction to the way CakePHP’s documentation explains building your first app. Namely, the CakePHP docs show you how to build a model, then a controller and finally three separate view files for each individual database table. This is a simple setup aimed at producing a working model, not an optimal example. For a start, you may not necessarily need to use controllers or views for every single database table. Beyond that, it is not at all practical to have to create a model, controller and view for every single table just to find out if the models you’re building are working or not. The contradiction is that, while models, controllers and views should be independent, the example forces them into an uncomfortable marriage.

The solution for your model testing needs is to create one controller and use the $uses variable to its best advantage, including all the models you need into a single location. This may be – and almost certainly will be – entirely too many models for any one practical controller in your application. But this is a short-cut method aimed at bringing in all your data models and working with them. Whereas the example application shows you the following basic configuration:
[php]var $uses = array(‘Ratings’);[/php]
You can instead load all your models into this single controller:
[php]var $uses = array(‘Ratings’,’RatingEvents’,’KitchenSink’);[/php]
Now you can test your basic queries and make sure they respond the way you expect. You can have a quick check for lexical errors in your PHP without having to build three other PHP files before you get started. In short, you can develop just the models and leave the controller and view development where they belong: in the controller and view development steps.

I must stress at the outset that this post is merely my thinking out loud about a subject that has been on my mind with my new CakePHP project for some time. I do not claim any particular prowess with MySQL especially, but have discovered something rather interesting while trying to tune up my database.

I have made the point in posts past that building a new application with CakePHP is all about creating a proper database. Well, over the course of months (since, having a full-time job, I don’t get to work on my project as much as I’d like), I’ve been developing what I’d hoped would be a well-normalized and efficient database. However, the question remains unanswered until you’re able to build a test fixture and start benchmarking your queries. In my case, since the new project is in fact a ratings system, the application relies heavily on performing averages.

Thus one additional question is: does calculating in MySQL perform better or worse than calculating in PHP? It stands to reason that there might be some performance variance between the two, just because they’re two different things and therefore one might assume that they might approach the same relatively simple task in different ways. However, using my test fixture, I’ve found that at least in the relatively simple case of doing averages, there’s really no performance difference between the two.

The test fixture I created selects a random but still predictably-valid set of criteria for a given query and performs the query one hundred times in a row. In the case of the MySQL calculations, it then simply returns the microtime difference between the start and end of the query each time (to create a stopwatch effect). In the case of the PHP calculation routine, it performs the averaging calculation and then returns the same stopwatch value. In each case, the stop watch times are then averaged after the loop is finished to arrive at the final average calculation time. This test is then performed ten times in a row to account for variations between the various random samplings. Pseudocode is below:

for 10 iterations:
for 100 iterations:
get microtime1
query database
(if php) average values
get microtime2
stopwatch[] = microtime2-microtime1
end iteration
average stopwatch values
return stopwatch average
end iteration

It should be noted that the database I’m using is very simple and holds a relatively trivial amount of data. I filled it with over half a million records among 7 tables, but the lion’s share are in the tables that require calculation, which is just two tables. The database after all that data still only holds about 19Mb of data. Its also worth noting that the table on which I’m performing calculations holds only an ID, a category ID and the calculated data. This was by design because of MySQL performance tips provided in this well-viewed video by MySQL guru Jay Pipes.

I may find that other configurations, such as adding or removing indexes, may yield different results. I’ll be posting my findings as I go, since that’s what this blog is all about.

As always, WordPress continues to hustle through, onwards and upwards, towards their latest release. Looks like there will be a lot of concentration on media uploads in this new version, based on the polling data. Even cooler is the newest “trash can” feature for deleting posts:

via WordPress › Blog » 2.9 Features Vote Results.

Lower ranked features aren’t off the radar, but may take lower priority than some other (non-media) features we have in the works. One of my favorite 2.9 features is in trunk now, and changes the way we delete content. Goodbye, annoying popup asking me if I’m sure I want to delete a comment/post/etc. Hello, fast and quiet removal into a trash can, from which the content can be retrieved if it was deleted by accident. Think Gmail style. We’re also hoping to work on improving page management, though that has a number of technical issues that may cause it to be a 3.0 feature instead.

Back on the media thing, it would be nice if they expanded the media API to allow us developers to access the Media Library outside of posts. This might, for example, allow us to build themes with custom header images that users could upload to their Libraries and select on a config page. For myself, I would love to be able to update the DFE News Harvester plugin to include the option to use an image from the user’s Media Library.

The question is: how much of what they choose to do going forward is based on popular vote? Much of the WP community is non-developer, so while their opinion is important, its not the best way to push the platform in new directions.

I’m hoping a list of new features will be released ahead of development, just so we can take a peek.

I’m working on redesigning the front page of this website a bit with a new theme. The new look will be based on the current design, but more flexible, a bit flashier and like my political blog’s front page, more of a representation of the website as a whole, rather than this one blog.

As I’m working along with the new design, I’ve hatched a scheme to create an interesting sidebar which reflects some different thinking than most that I’ve seen. But I’d like this sidebar to – if possible – stretch the entire height of the page. While searching for answers, a Twitter friend suggested this:

Equal height boxes with CSS | Lab | 456 Berea Street.

Great! What a perfect solution, right? Well, not quite. Internet Explorer once again lags behind the rest of the pack with CSS adoption and this CSS table design thing is not available to any browser below IE 8. Currently, IE 8 adoption is happening at a snail’s pace. Three times as many IE users are using 6 and 7 as are using 8.

Give it a few months, and this will be a non-issue. In the meanwhile, I’m thinking I’ll need to work out a CSS hack to provide an acceptable alternative to older browsers while still maintaining the option for FF and IE8 users.

I’m starting to discover reasons for which I might like to use a “Sticky” post on my WordPress blogs: posts which stay stuck to the top of your post roll on your home page. Sometimes, it’s better to have a small introductory post greet your visitors than to send them to a static home page with very little content.

But now that they have the sticky concept down, it’s time they added a filter option to the Edit Posts screen, as I suggested in the below Ideas page:

WordPress › WordPress Ideas — Idea: Display ‘sticky post’ icon on Edit Posts page.

An interesting discussion of the DOCTYPE declaration in WordPress themes. Seems to me that Alex is spot-on with this: you can’t claim a theme as XHTML 1.1 compliant because you can’t know what gets added to it by the end user. Sure, the *theme* might be strict as a school marm. But if the end user chooses to add all manner of sloppy JS widgets for MySpace and whatever else, the final result is not going to be strict at all.

I confess that, even with my own blogs, the “strict” doctype is probably over-selling a bit. Some times – even most of the time – the blogs are not going to be XHTML 1.1 compliant simply because I am constantly experimenting with plugins. Whether those are my own plugins which are currently in a state of disrepair or those I’ve downloaded from just to mess with, there is always the possibility of being out of standard.

And to be honest, while being XHTML compliant is a goal, its more of an ideal than a practicality under the circumstances. For professional paid gigs, that’s another story. But for this little site, well, I don’t call it my hobby horse for nothing!


If you’re like me, you design web pages because you have a passion for data and display, both. But that may not necessarily mean – and in my case, it most certainly does not mean – that you have a natural ability for dealing with color. Primary colors are one thing, but getting the subtlety and nuance of really rich, vibrant colors is something altogether different. In fact, there are people in interior decorating, graphic design and other industries whose sole job it is to select colors.

In the past, the limitations of browsers and operating systems gave us a great excuse: we *had* to stick to Web Safe RGB, so exotic colors simply were not possible. Well, that excuse is long-past expired. So, what’s your excuse now?

Finding new and interesting colors can be a challenge. Even for artists, finding the colors they love in the real world available to them in the digital world is a daunting task. But with all those experts out there, certainly there must ways to find color combinations besides your own personal brain power? I decided to make a list of some outside-the-box options for your edification. Your comments and suggestions are heartily encouraged.

5. Why Not Ask Sherwin Williams?

The Sherwin Williams website is an excellent resource for color matching palettes of all kinds. Of particular interest to me is the historical palettes section of their website. Here you will find sample selections of the color schemes which provided the inspiration for interior decorating throughout various eras. Look to this resource to find some interesting background colors or text area colors and match them elsewhere.

“But wait!” you may be saying, “how can I use these color options when they’re only images? How do I get the hexs for them?”

The answer is your eye dropper tool in Photoshop. Save the image you want to sample and open it up in Photoshop. Then just use the eye dropper tool to get the sample. Double-click the color in the Color-Selection Box. In the window that opens, you will find the hexidecimal value for the color you’ve selected.

4. Photoshop Swatch Palettes

Another great resource for interesting colors is Photoshop’s swatch palettes. The prepackaged color palettes include Renaissance themed colors and Art-Deco stuff, plus lots more. Once again, you can select the color and then double-click the Color-Selection Box to get the hex. Of course, as a pro tip, you’ll want to eventually save the colors you select for your theme as your own custom palette. You’ll probably want to create a custom palette for every website you work on, if you’re planning on ever coming back to it.

3. Old House Colors

Here’s an interesting website. is really meant for house painters and owners who want their houses to have the classic look that their homes were meant to have. But information on the web is free, and that means its freely used! There’s lots of color possibilities here that you may not find, exactly, anywhere else.

2. What about Macy’s?

Yes. Macy’s. Or, if you like. But clothing is some of the most color-rich stuff most of us ever touch. Why not use some of the swatches they have on their sites for inspiration? You can make an entire WordPress theme and base it around a Polo Ralph Lauren suit! The point is to find colors you can:

  1. Easily sample and use
  2. Dig enough to use in the first place!

1. Color Scheme Designer 3

Beyond a doubt, the best resource for coming up with balanced themes, the Color Scheme Designer uses the science of color to come up with companion colors for whatever favourite color you’ve discovered. The best part of this resource is that it provides you six different palette options for your chosen color, based on their relationship to one another on the color wheel. I am sure that color professionals can explain how all this works. What I can say is that it works beautifully. And it provides you color combinations which, when viewed, make perfect sense yet seem – to me, anyway – totally surprising.

The below-linked article is an excellent example of how to use multiple databases in CakePHP, with an eye towards having a production, development and potentially, even more environments with which to work.

Easy peasy database config (Articles) | The Bakery, Everything CakePHP:

Like a lot of developers out there, I use Subversion to keep control of my code and projects, and I also use a different database for development and production. But when using Cake this can be a problem when checking out my code from development to production. Unless I edit my database.php with my production config, the production code would have problems, as it would be trying to access data from the development database.

The only thing I would add is a minor clarification to the one thing that tripped me up, abbreviated in this code snippet.
[code lang=”php” highlight=”4,8″]
var $development = array(…);
var $production = array(…);
var $test = array(…);
var $default = array();

function __construct()
$this->default = ($_SERVER[‘SERVER_ADDR’] == ‘’) ?
$this->development : $this->production;
The important thing here is that CakePHP *always* requires the “default” database entry. The purpose of having the other database arrays is to set the correct one at runtime, which as you can see, the author does by checking the IP address. He then replaces the empty “default” array with one of the desired database arrays.

In my case, I’m running both environments off the same VPS, so I’m comparing domain names. But the idea is the same.

Only a very small handful of people from Rochester and the surrounding areas – those who like local music – will get the reference in the title of this post. Maybe a few people outside of the Rochester area. That’s OK. It’s a small homage to a favourite local band…

By now, most of us who are committed to social web development take it as a given that URLs should be as clean as possible for as much content on your site as possible[2. For a good discussion of clean URLs, their meaning and their use, see this article.]. Clean, clear URLs provide your audience with an intuitive way to understand the structure of your website, provide an easy method to return to favourite topics or sections of your site and not least-importantly, provide search engines with easily keyword-associated URLs to log and serve to their customers.

With CakePHP, clean URLs are part of the normal process of building pages, rather than an imposition. A URL to a given resource on your CakePHP website will have a format of…[1. If you’re not familiar with this format, have a look at this page, which is our topic of discussion, anyway.] Without knowing how your site will be organized, this is a fairly intuitive way of organizing URLs. Your controller name should be fairly descriptive of what it works with, “posts,” or “teeshirts”; your action will probably be fairly descriptive of what its meant to do, “edit,” “view,” “index,” and so forth.

But not in all cases does the standard formatting work. In the case of the site that I’m in the process of developing,, I needed to make some changes to the way CakePHP structured it’s URLs to make things slightly more intuitive to the layout of the website. For example, since the organization of data revolves around Metro areas containing one or more Towns having many Potholes, using /metros, /towns/ and /potholes didn’t make sense and wouldn’t have accurately reflected that organization.
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It’s one of those bad habits we find hard to break as WordPress enthusiasts: installing plugins and then forgetting about them. This is especially true when you’ve installed them through the WordPress admin panels and then deactivated them because you decided you didn’t like them.

Well, now I’m getting very close to done with the new theme for DFE and I’ve got to go through all these plugins to find out what I’m keeping and what I’m not. You have to be very careful that the plugins you’re using do not conflict with one another or with template functions, and this new template is also going to be introducing a number of new functions and plugins both.

Because I’ve found that it just makes more sense to keep some things as template functions. I’ve not really bothered to play around with template functions because I’ve always seen the template as a display-only set of code. Indeed it is, but if there is additional processing to be done on display that isn’t needed anywhere else, WordPress provides the function file to deal with this. It’s not entirely MVC, but then, what is? Perfect systems don’t always work in an imperfect world.

Like eliminating unused plugins, moving display-altering functions to the template is about making things more efficient. If WordPress forces your server to spend time it doesn’t need to reading plugin files you’re not using, you take a hit on your performance. If you have functions which only operate on the display level, but which are contained in plugins, then each time any admin page is run, the plugin has to be turned on despite the fact that it will never be used. We’d like to avoid this, if at all possible.

On the other hand, adding huge volumes of code to your functions.php file has a similar effect: every time the front-end of your website is launched, you bog your system down with code. So, you need to balance what you use in the functions.php file and what you use as a plugin very carefully and make sure you’re using the most efficient code possible.